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Funny local stories

Reading Time: 1

Check here
and here for some great humor reading today. But these are actual news stories. First, a convenience store clerk shoots himself when adjusting his gun. And then, near Cedar Falls, we have a woman who gets rashes and headaches from EM fields, so she lives in metal trailer inside a metal barn.

Reality is so much funnier than fiction.

3 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. Register Reader on 16-Apr-05 at 1:53 pm

    Nothing funny about these stories, Mikey. Sorry.

  2. mike on 16-Apr-05 at 8:20 pm

    No, not funny in the “ha, ha” sense – but funny in the odd sense. The EM-allergic woman near Cedar Falls, had absolutely nothing to do with the CFU power lines and was really just a profile of the woman (complete with 3 color photos on the front page of the business section). She’s odd, funny and has a great story to tell.

  3. Stefanie on 20-Apr-05 at 7:55 pm

    I thought it was ha ha funny.

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