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I told you it was coming:

Reading Time: 1

Well the Des Moines Register entered the online-blog-youth-market with a new, currently online only, publication today. As I mentioned before,
Juice, is geared toward the already consolidating free weekly reader market. We’ll see if the MSM can be successful at being alternative.

So far the layout and design is just as crappy as Don’t they know anything about making things clean and letting the reader’s eyes relax on some whitespace.

Initially the blogs on their site suck. The writers share too much of their personal life with us. I don’t care where they are at midnight or what they’re discussing with friends at the bar.

The site really just needs one thing to make it great: BorsellinoBlog

5 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. Register Reader on 15-Apr-05 at 12:40 pm

    Those blogs DO suck. But so does the new Cityview. It’s like they took the worst elements of BOTH products and combined them.

  2. mike on 15-Apr-05 at 1:10 pm

    The new Cityview sets the bar low for competition. Who can be the worst?

  3. annonymous on 03-Jun-05 at 4:03 am

    Consider this: too much ‘white space’ actually hurts the eyes; this website for example. You may also want to change your fonts, they sit too close to one another… the word clean above looks like dean (DEAN).

    A Borsellino Blog sounds like a good idea, unfortunately he has a disability now and probably has no desire to persue such activity.

  4. mike on 03-Jun-05 at 6:43 am

    Good point. I’ve increased the letter spacing a little so we don’t have smashed together words. As for the general ethereal quality for this layout, I guess you’ll have to live with it.

  5. NamedPipe » Register Blogs on 27-Aug-05 at 9:25 pm

    […] ce, has been blogging for about four months now. And while the Juice blogs are continually crappy or just plain boring, we all knew at some point the full Register […]

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