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Reading Time: 1

It’s always a fun time of year to see the Pulitzers announced. With the exception of The Wall Street Journal, the list of newspaper winners doesn’t contain any papers I read regularly, but the Des Moines Register made sure to point out that Clark Kauffman was a finalist – nothing like tooting your own horn on the front page (I’ll link to the article if anyone can find it on the Register website). Here is the journalism list:

  • PUBLIC SERVICE – Los Angeles Times
  • BREAKING NEWS REPORTING – Staff of The Star-Ledger, Newark, N.J.
  • INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING – Nigel Jaquiss of Willamette Week, Portland, Ore.
  • EXPLANATORY REPORTING – Gareth Cook of The Boston Globe
  • BEAT REPORTING – Amy Dockser Marcus of The Wall Street Journal
  • NATIONAL REPORTING – Walt Bogdanich of The New York Times
  • INTERNATIONAL REPORTING – Two Prizes: Kim Murphy of the Los Angeles Times, Dele Olojede of Newsday, Long Island, N.Y.
  • FEATURE WRITING – Julia Keller of the Chicago Tribune
  • COMMENTARY – Connie Schultz of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland
  • CRITICISM – Joe Morgenstern of The Wall Street Journal
  • EDITORIAL WRITING – Tom Philp of The Sacramento Bee
  • EDITORIAL CARTOONING – Nick Anderson of The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky.
  • BREAKING NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY – Associated Press Staff
  • FEATURE PHOTOGRAPHY – Deanne Fitzmaurice of the San Francisco Chronicle

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  1. anon. on 07-Apr-05 at 8:02 am

    Kaufman is the best thing to happen to the Register in a long time. Ever since they moved Witosky to the sports investigative beat (???) they haven’t had anyone who could do serious shoe leather stuff. The Cass County Series was marvelous journalism.

  2. mike on 07-Apr-05 at 8:22 am

    I completely agree. During Kauffman’s series, I enjoyed reading the Register and thought, “Wow, this is actually a newspaper.” I wish they had more people digging instead of just reporting what “officials” say.

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