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Garage-Sale Blogging

Reading Time: 1

We had our garage sale yesterday and unloaded everything that we really wanted to get rid of.

Insulation left over from finishing the basement – gone, old carpet from the basement – gone, kitchen cart – gone, bookcase – gone, kids slide – gone.

I noticed a few differences from our last sale, which was in Washington, D.C. First, there were no real wierdos at yesterday’s sale. In D.C., you’d always end up with some strange person who seemed hung over and wanted to buy a set of floral print curtains with a $100 bill. I also noticed that mens’ dress shirts did not sell at all. With all the white collar workers in D.C., my old dress shirts would be gone in the first few hours. (My wife says we didn’t sell the dress shirts because all the guys who visited our sale were larger than me). And sadly, very few people were interested in our collection of books for sale.

If you’re out collecting more crap from garage sales, then read Mike Kilen’s piece in the Register from today. It’s not his best – but still better than most of the stuff printed in the Register.

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  1. Z*lda on 28-Jun-05 at 1:42 pm

    What sort of books were you selling?

  2. mike on 28-Jun-05 at 2:03 pm

    Hmm, let me look.

    Mostly literary fiction from “Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress” by Dai Sijie to “Amsterdam” by Ian McEwan. There may have been a few random science (physics-related) out there too.

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