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More on solutions to malpractice reform

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I’ve written about this in the past, but now the WSJ has a great artcile about real results in reducing medical malpractice insurance premiums – stop injuring patients. From the article:

Anesthesiologists pay less for malpractice insurance today, in constant dollars, than they did 20 years ago. That’s mainly because some anesthesiologists chose a path many doctors in other specialties did not. Rather than pushing for laws that would protect them against patient lawsuits, these anesthesiologists focused on improving patient safety. Their theory: Less harm to patients would mean fewer lawsuits.

Politicians spend a lot of time focusing on ending or limiting lawsuits – which seems like a solution looking for a problem. The real problem is that doctors are making mistakes and rather than putting an effort into reducing mistakes, they just want to stop themselves from getting sued.

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  1. Royce on 27-Jun-05 at 3:04 pm

    Yeah… and there’s no issue with ambulance chasing personal injury lawyers and outrageous pain and suffering damages being awarded by addle-headed – but very sympathetic – juries…

    Anesthesiologists are also second fiddle on most – if not all – surgical procedures. They need to do one thing and one thing only – keep the patient alive on the table. Their job is simpler and easier to defend against malpractice – keep the meds within prescribed levels over the course of the procedure.

    The primary physician, on the other hand has to provide a “good outcome” – whatever that means to a capricious jury.

    Nice try, but as you are wont to tell me, it’s not that simple.

    I’m back Mikey!

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