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There oughta be a law.

Reading Time: 1

Erin Crawford writes today about her surprise in not being able to buy multiple boxes of cold medicine.

I dug up an old Register article reporting that Iowans are limited to purchasing however many milligrams or tablets of some substance a day and . . . well, I can’t even pronounce pseudoephedrine, and I have no idea how many tablets are in a bottle of Nyquil.

I’ll stop being facetious here for a second and explain my argument against this law: One. Stinking. Box?!

Uhh, wasn’t this above-the-fold news for quite some time when the legislature and governor were discussing the limits?

While I know she’s only a features columnist, shouldn’t there be a minimum standard for journalists to know something about the news? And shouldn’t they know about how laws are made? While there is always the option of the courts for challenging laws you don’t agree with – why didn’t she voice her opinion before the law was passed? I guess some people have to wait for things to affect them directly before they take action.

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  1. tyler on 27-Jun-05 at 2:39 pm

    Jeez, sounds like she’s never even heard of the subject by the sounds of the quote. Seems kinda pointless to even write something like that now. If I had a job with a newspaper, no way I’d write stupidity like that.

  2. mike on 27-Jun-05 at 3:32 pm

    She’ll probably be real surprised to see the 70 MPH speed limit signs this Thursday.

  3. tyler on 27-Jun-05 at 4:53 pm

    heh, good point.

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