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Real-time photo journalism

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From a post on Boing Boing, I came across and interesting phenomena relating to the bomb blasts in London today: real-time photo journalism. The combination of public photo sites with tagging photos has created a real-time set of images from London relating to the bomb blasts. Flickr has a number of tags which show photos from London this morning: bombs, bomb, London. When you combine these tags with RSS feeds from Flickr you have an interesting replacement for real-time TV news images.

My thoughts go out to Londoners. Having lived in D.C. on Sept 11, I know it can be a scary, confusing and unreal time.

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  1. dave forsythe on 07-Jul-05 at 9:30 am

    there’s an organized flickr group here. a lot of pictures from people TVs and Websites, but some interesting real pictures as well.

    This has really made me think a lot this morning about my own commuting pratices which depend heavily on Public Transport and how wholly unsecure it can be if the riders themselves are not vigilant and involved.

  2. mike on 07-Jul-05 at 11:21 am

    Thanks for sharing Dave.

    The Metro in D.C. tried to make people aware of the threats. It’s hard to do without creating hysteria. Warning people to watch out for people wearing heaving coats in the summer, because they could be suicide bombers, was a little too much for me.

    But there’s no doubt that after Sept 11, most subway riders in D.C. were more watchful.

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