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Role Reversal

Reading Time: 1

Normally, blogs follow the mainstream media, commenting on stories like a remora picking up scraps from the sharks. But today Erin Crawford reports on the conspiracy theory developed mostly on blogs about how former Whitehouse reporter Jeff Gannon is actually missing newspaper boy Johnny Gosch. This is great switch, blogs create news and the Register is chasing a phantom story looking for something to report. What’s even more amazing is that the Register dedicated a whole 51 column inches to this story. That’s amazing considering they rarely dedicate more than 30-40 column inches to “real” news stories (e.g. ones that don’t involve conspiracy theorists).

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  1. anon. on 07-Apr-05 at 7:59 am

    Might have picked up the phone and called Gannon and asked him the quesetion, as long as they had 51 inches of space to fill. That would have saved a lot of space.

  2. mike on 07-Apr-05 at 8:25 am

    Good point. But then they’d be doing what journalists are supposed to do, contacting sources and checking facts. That’s no fun.

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