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Reserve your advertising space now – ‘Blog readers younger, richer’

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Computerworld mentions a recent comScore study which shows that:

Blog visitors are 11% more likely than the average Internet user to have incomes of $75,000 or more and are 30% more likely to live in households headed by someone between the ages of 18 and 34, the study found.

During the first quarter, the average blog visitor viewed 77% more Web pages than the average Internet user, and spent 23 hours per week online, compared with 13 hours per week for the average user, according to the study. Regarding e-commerce behavior, blog visitors are 30% more likely to shop online than the average user.

Just a note to all the incoming advertisers wanting to reserve space on my blog. Just email me your request for space and the terms of the contract and I’ll get your ad up and running immediately.

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