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Self Conscious Iowans

Reading Time: 1

From reading Juice this week, I saw an ad for this Sunday’s Des Moines Register story on the first ever poll of what Americans think of Iowa. This is not a poll of Iowans – it’s a poll of non-Iowans to ask for their opinion of our state.

Are we the only state that does this? Do we think so lowly of ourselves that we need to ask the rest of the country “Do you like me?” I’ve written about this before.

Nonetheless, it’s a good reason to pick up the paper tomorrow to see what it says.

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  1. Mike on 09-Oct-05 at 7:35 am

    Geez! I remember, back in the ’80s, when the DMR published a poll that stated something like, “50% of San Francisco residents polled believe that hogs still run wild in the streets of Des Moines, Iowa.”

    This storyline is beginning to feel like a rehashed professional wrestling saga. Is this about the Register digging up old themes and recycling them? Come on!

    Maybe it’s time to get back to that populist theme and start writing pieces on great Iowans. Iowans who’ve overcome adversity by working hard and using a combination of intelligence and common sense. Enough of “everyone thinks we’re backwards , what can we do about it?” What you can do about it is write stories that make people feel proud to be Iowans. They shouldn’t have to look to the Big Peach to figure out if they can feel proud.

    BTW- How ’bout those Hawkeyes?!

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